Who We Are


We Provide Services To All Immigrants And Refugees (Newcomers) In Southern Alberta.

CCIS is the largest immigrant-serving organization in the Prairies, offering a comprehensive range of innovative settlement and integration services to immigrants and refugees in Southern Alberta. Since our inception in 1981, CCIS has become a pivotal community leader, renowned for our expertise in designing and implementing over 95 comprehensive programs tailored to meet the needs of newcomers from a myriad of cultural and professional backgrounds.

Our dedicated, dynamic team of more than 450 multi-cultural, multi-denominational and multi-disciplinary professionals, fluent in over 70 languages, is our cornerstone in providing these essential services. Supporting all aspects of settlement and integration, CCIS programs and services are broken down in the areas of employment and housing, community and development, resettlement and integration, health and wellness, and families and children.  

In partnership, we empower immigrants and refugees to successfully settle and integrate in our communities.

An inclusive society where immigrants and refugees can reach their full potential.

CCIS believes:

  • In an environment which enhances self-esteem and respect for all.

  • That each individual is unique and of value.

  • That we all have a responsibility to build a healthy community.

  • In a holistic approach in working with individuals and community.

  • In constant attention, sensitivity and flexibility throughout the ongoing process of relationship building.

  • In ethical practices.

  • In volunteerism.

  • In innovation and creativity.

People in cities around the world have taken a united stand against police brutality and systemic racism. It is heartening to hear this collective call to end the policies and practices, entrenched in our institutions, that result in the exclusion and oppression of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, as well as members of the LGBTQ+ community.   

It is important for each of us to remember that the racism and oppression we see in our justice systems and police forces are symbolic of the prejudices that exist in our society as a whole. We must therefore work together to eradicate racism, not only from our institutions, but from every aspect of our communities.

The responsibility lies with each of us to identify, address and prevent instances of racial discrimination, and prejudiced attitudes and behaviours. By addressing both individual and systemic racism, we can set an example for our children, and move closer to a society that upholds justice, equality, and respect for all.

CCIS believes that every person is unique, of value, and deserving of equality and respect. We also believe in working together to build healthy communities. Our organization’s vision is a society wherein immigrants and refugees, and all people, can reach their full potential. This vision can only be achieved if we collectively combat racism in all its forms and shapes.

CCIS continues to take an active role in standing against individual and systemic racism and oppression, and we wish to express our solidarity with those in our city, and around the world, who are working together for a better tomorrow.


Explore the core of CCIS through our locations, which highlight crucial spaces propelling our mission.

Experienced Team

We provide services to all newcomers in Calgary and Southern Alberta.

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Years of Experience

Calgary Immigration Services

Services with you in mind

Who We Help

At CCIS, our services are designed to provide immigrants, refugees, temporary foreign workers, community members and all newcomers with the tools they need to thrive in Calgary and Southern Alberta. Whether through settlement assistance, educational support or employment training, our goal is to empower and integrate individuals and families, fostering a sense of belonging and resilience in their transformative journey. 

Professionals & Job Seekers


Training & Education


Children & Families

Youth & Teens

Programs in the community

Featured Community Partner Programs


In Partnership With

Together, we work hand in hand, pooling expertise and resources to empower communities, foster inclusivity, and drive positive impact across diverse landscapes.

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Clients We've Helped in 2023

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Services Offered

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Many Lives Changed

CCIS (Calgary Catholic Immigration Society) is a non-profit organization which provides settlement and integration services to all immigrants and refugees in Southern Alberta.

Since our inception in 1981, we have been a community leader with solid experience in the design and delivery of comprehensive services for our newest neighbours. We deliver these services through a dynamic multi-cultural, multi-denominational and multi-disciplinary team of professionals, who collectively speak over 70 languages.

$153,032 in cash donations
31,808 volunteer hours (Calgary and Rural Operations)
30,000+ newcomers served in 2023-2024

Get to know the driving force behind CCIS

Meet Our Experienced Team

From visionary board members shaping our direction to the dedicated management team steering the organization, and our dynamic division staff implementing impactful programs, discover the collective expertise and passion that fuels CCIS’s commitment to empowering individuals and building thriving communities.


Meet the Board

Delve into the profiles of the influential leaders guiding CCIS. Learn about their diverse expertise and unwavering commitment steering our organization toward empowering communities and fostering positive change.

Meet the Management

Meet the accomplished professionals driving CCIS's strategies and vision. Discover the collective experience and passion that propels our management team in their commitment to empowering individuals and building resilient, integrated communities.

Visit our Divisions

Dive into the heart of CCIS by visiting our Divisions. Uncover the specialized services each division offers, tailored to empower individuals and communities. Learn how these divisions contribute to CCIS's mission of fostering growth, resilience, and lasting positive change.


Make A Direct Impact on Your Community by Donating to CCIS (Calgary Catholic Immigration Society).

We acknowledge all donors who contribute so generously to CCIS. Your contribution honours the courage and resiliency of Alberta’s newest residents.

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