Margaret Chisholm Resettlement Centre (MCRC)


Margaret Chisholm Resettlement Centre (MCRC)

The Margaret Chisholm Resettlement Centre is a temporary housing facility for Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) who consider it their first home in Canada. The centre provides a supportive and comfortable environment for up to 14 days, until suitable permanent accommodation is found for the newcomers.

During their stay, the refugees receive three (3) meals per day, and families are provided with individual apartment-like rooms. The centre also has amenities like a TV and playroom for children, an outdoor playground, and laundry facilities.

Newcomers attend several training sessions during their stay to learn essential Canadian life management skills and overcome the initial challenges of adjusting to a new country and culture.

30 Years of Fostering New Beginnings

MCRC is celebrating 30 years as the beacon of hope for newcomers in Calgary.

The facility's on-site amenities are:

Services provided for destined GAR's are:


Margaret Chisholm Resettlement Centre
23 McDougall Ct NE.
Calgary, Alberta T2E 8R3
Phone: .403.262.8132
Email: [email protected]

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We acknowledge all donors who contribute so generously to CCIS. Your contribution honours the courage and resiliency of Alberta’s newest residents.

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